Member Rebate Program
Member Rebate Program
Rebate Claim Form
Quarterly Deadlines

The 3 Simple Steps to Receive Your Rebate Check:
- Register
- Register to start receiving your rebate (Tells them where to mail the check). If already registered, skip to the next step.
- Calendar & Deadline
- View the calendar to determine what you can claim for and when the deadline is to submit.
- Claim
- Every quarter if you have a completed residential address that used any of our participating Manufacturers, complete and submit the current Rebate Claim Form.
Then you will receive a lump-sum rebate check.
There are 3 different methods to submit. All 3 methods ask the same questions.
* Paper Form. Lists all Manufacturers by product category. Great method for first time claimers or to tack at the entrance while the address is being completed.
* Online Claim Form: Submit per address online.
Follow the steps to enter your address and corresponding Manufacturer info.
* Customized EXCEL Form: Most Popular
Enter your Builder name, select the Manufacturers, Download Template for use at your leisure. Save on desktop and use as a workbook.
No receipts are necessary. Typical questions are: Model #, Quantity, Subcontractor, or Supplier. Rebates are either per home, per product, or a percentage back to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to change the way I do business?
You don’t need to! You still utilize the same Suppliers and continue conducting your business as usual.
What is my Subcontractors buy the products?
The Manufacturers are rewarding loyalty with these rebates. If you are specifying the product to your Subcontractors, then you are affecting the sale and therefore qualify for the rebate.
Do I have to save my receipts?
There are no receipts necessary to process your rebate claim. They have made the rebate program as simple as possible. Instead of receipts, they use their Manufacturer’s salespeople in your area to check that their products were used.
Why do Manufacturers want to reward me?
Manufacturers recognize that the small to mid-size Builder is the largest segment of the building industry and they are rewarding those Builders with rebates through the Member Rebate Program.
Is this worth my time? This is the most asked question!
Only you know what your time is worth but the average amount of time to complete the Rebate Claim Form is 15 minutes. The average rebate per Builder / Remodeler Contractor who participated in 2021 received $1,582.20. Give it a try once and see what it is worth to you.
Ways to make claiming easier?
- Print the Rebate Claim Form and tack it up in the home under construction. Either:
- Have your Subcontractor fill in the Manufacturers when completed or…
- Have them complete the Claim Form when they submit their bill or arrive for their check.
In either case, the Claim Form will be completed and ready to go when the quarter ends!
- Using the Rebate Claim Form as a guide, create an EXCEL Template keeping track of all products installed as each address is completed. Send when requested per quarter.
- Ask an employee, spouse, or child to assist with the Rebate Claim Form and share the rebate check for their effort.
Rebate amounts are not listed, can I find them out? As this is a free member benefit available to all active Builder & Remodeler members, we cannot disclose the specific amounts to the public. Please contact us for a conservative average based on what you are using.
Why are the addresses where the products were installed needed?
We do not sell or provide anyone other than the Manufacturer you are claiming for your addresses. These are needed by the Manufacturers to pay a rebate based on a Federal Government law requiring them to have in case of an audit.
Must I align with all Manufacturers?
No. However, the more Manufacturers that are used in the program will greatly increase your lump-sum rebate check!